Who we are

ChemReSult-TS is...

...chemistry research done

We work for you and for your Chemistry&Science...

  • Who is Dr. Thorsten Schmidt?...

    Dr. Schmidt is a researcher and scientist plus a leader, not just in the field of chemistry but in the sciences. He loves to stay on top of the many fields of current science and technology , which is very vital for him and he always enjoys it. He is a hands-on person, having lead small and larger teams, worked in international settings and in close cooperation with the colleagues. He does help when help is needed.

  • Consultations done...

    A variety of clients are served with a broad mixture of topics. Such fields of advisement, help and scientific knowledge transfer range from behavior of plastics for a X-ray device to chemicals used in the printing process of modern labeling machines.

    Examples of the companies advised can be found right below.

    CONFIDENTIALITY: The contents of the consultation is - of course - confidential. It isĀ  our highest goal to honor this confidentiality in the relationship with our client. The examples of our work given below will be therefore broad and not specific and not detailed.

    • Vero Biotech

    • JobaChem

    • Beyond Cancer

    • OXOS Medical

Developing analytical methods, SOPs and procedures, as well as devices for the analytical laboratory, the design, creation and testing of parts, devices and products for customers is what we do.

Working together with colleagues and departments from science and industry as well as other consultants and, of course, mainly you, the customer, are important.

Lead through cooperation and guidance to reach set goals is what we do.